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Member Update: October 2024

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1. Organisational Update

Autumn General Meeting 2024 Registration Open

Members can still register to attend and vote at the RIPE NCC General Meeting taking place over 30 October - 1 November 2024 in Prague, Czechia and online. The membership will have the opportunity to vote on one resolution on the redistribution of the excess contribution/deficit paid in the financial year 2024. The agenda for the RIPE NCC General Meeting October 2024 is available.

Register by Wednesday, 30 October 2024 at 14:00 (UTC+1), otherwise you will not be able to attend and vote at the meeting. Find information about eligibility, how to register, attend and vote on the General Meeting pages.

Draft Activity Plan and Budget 2025 Consultation

We have published the Draft Activity Plan and Budget 2025. This important document lays out our plans for the coming year along with the associated costs. We have an ongoing consultation on the document. The consultation page includes budget visualisations for 2025. We have also published two RIPE Labs articles going into detail about the document: one from RIPE NCC CEO and Managing Director Hans Petter Holen on our activities, and one from RIPE NCC Chief Financial Officer Simon-Jan Haytink about our budget.

If you want to have a say on what the RIPE NCC does and where its expenses are, being involved in this consultation and sharing your feedback is the best way to do it. The draft will then be discussed at the RIPE NCC General Meeting in October before changes are made and a final version is published in December. Members are invited to share feedback on the Members Discuss mailing list, at the Autumn General Meeting and in the RIPE NCC Services Working Group session at RIPE 89.

Minutes of the 177th Executive Board Meeting Published

The minutes of the 177th Executive Board meeting have been published, along with a summary of the main items from the meeting.

Draft Activity Plan and Budget 2025 Open House

We held an Open House for RIPE NCC members and the RIPE community to discuss the Draft Activity Plan and Budget 2025. Members asked questions and discussed the draft with the RIPE NCC Executive Board, Managing Director Hans Petter Holen and RIPE NCC management. The recording is available for those who missed it.

Phishing Email Alert for RIPE NCC Members

We have received multiple reports of a phishing email targeting RIPE NCC members and impersonating the RIPE NCC compliance team. The email has the following subject: “RIPE NCC Audit - Resource Discrepancies Detected”. This email does not originate from the RIPE NCC and contains a malicious attachment. Please do not click on or download the attachment and further please do not reply to or engage with the sender in any way.

Learn how to identify official communications from the RIPE NCC. If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of an email from the RIPE NCC, or have security-related questions, please contact us at [email protected]. For any other questions concerning your resources, please contact [email protected].

2. Community and Engagement


RIPE 89 takes place from 28 October to 1 November in Prague, Czechia. Registration is open. You may also submit proposals for lightning talks at RIPE 89.

The meeting plan is available on the website, so you can take a look to see what sessions you’d like to attend.

A number of RIPE NCC staff will be presenting at the meeting. You’ll hear from Emile Aben on RPKI flutter in the MAT Working Group, a policy update from Angella Dall’Ara and a Registration Services update from Marco Schmidt in the Address Policy Working Group, updates on the RIPE Database from Ed Shryane in the Database Working Group, news about a new DNS Hackathon from Vesna Manojlovic and a DNS update from Anand Buddhev in the DNS Working Group, an RPKI update from Tim Bruijnzeels in the Routing Working Group, information about the RIPE NCC’s government engagement from Hisham Ibrahim in the Cooperation Working Group, a presentation on translations from Fergal Cunningham in the Community Plenary, and Alastair Strachan will lead a BoF panel discussion on the future of NOGs. There will also be a number of presentations from RIPE NCC executive staff in the RIPE NCC Services Working Group and in the General Meeting, where you will also hear from the RIPE NCC Executive Board.

Language Support and Community-Sourced Translations

On RIPE Labs, the RIPE NCC's Fergal Cunningham shares two major updates to the RIPE NCC's translation efforts. The RIPE NCC will be moving translations to our main website,, and we will involve the RIPE community and RIPE NCC members in translating content.

NRO NC Elections

An election to fill one seat on the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) will take place during RIPE 89. There are two candidates - Jordi Palet-Martínez and Andrei Robachevsky.

Programme Committee Elections

The RIPE Programme Committee (PC) is responsible for recruiting and selecting presentations for the RIPE Meeting Plenary sessions. There are currently two seats up for election to the RIPE PC. You can send nominations for these seats to [email protected] until Tuesday, 29 October, 15:30 CET (UTC+1). Community members can vote in this election from Tuesday, 29 October, 16:00 CET (UTC+1) until Thursday, 31 October, 17:00 CET (UTC+1).

Defining the RIPE Compact

On RIPE Labs, Remco van Mook calls for the RIPE community to share its thoughts on the nature of the challenges facing the RIPE NCC and what its mission should be.

The Relationship Between RIPE and the RIPE NCC

A new draft RIPE document has been published that describes the relationship between RIPE and the RIPE NCC as it has evolved from 1992 until the present time. Community members are invited to share comments, questions or suggestions by 25 November 2024. Feedback will also be welcomed at RIPE 89.

The RIPE Chair Team Reports: October 2024

The RIPE Chair Team’s latest report is out, featuring updates on the last preparations for RIPE 89 and what to expect at the meeting, as well as the latest in RIPE governance efforts and industry events such as the Europol cybersecurity conference.

Local Hubs for Events: Diversity, Sustainability and Decentralisation

On RIPE Labs, the RIPE NCC’s Vesna Manojlovic shares the benefits of local hubs for conferences and events, such as at RIPE 89.

Internet Measurement Day: Türkiye

We will hold an Internet Measurement Day in Istanbul, Türkiye on 6 November. At this event, network operators and other experts will share experience, tools and best practices for Internet measurements. Registration is open.

Policy Proposal 2024-02 "IPv6 Initial Allocations /28”

A new RIPE Policy Proposal 2024-02, "IPv6 Initial Allocations /28,” has been submitted for discussion. This proposal aims to change the initial IPv6 allocation size from /29 to /28. You can review this proposal and send your comments to [email protected] by 12 November 2024.

Policy Proposal 2024-01 "Revised IPv6 PI Assignment Policy"

The discussion period for RIPE Policy Proposal 2024-01, "Revised IPv6 PI Assignment Policy," has been extended. This proposal aims to define End Sites and requirements for “IPv6 PI Assignments” and “Assignments from IPv6 Allocations”, clarifies permitted use cases and introduces IPv6 PI issuance at the Nibble boundary and new principles for aggregation and registration. You can review this proposal and send your comments to [email protected] by 22 November 2024.

Revising the Criteria for the Accreditation of Regional Internet Registries

On RIPE Labs, the RIPE NCC’s Athina Fragkouli gives an update on the current efforts to revise the criteria for the accreditation of RIRs and the obligations they must continuously meet.

Additionally, the Number Resource Organization (NRO), the coordinating body for the global Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), is calling on individuals in the global Internet community to participate in a questionnaire focused on a proposed principles document that will be used to update the Internet Coordination Policy-2 (ICP-2).

ASO AC: Call for Nominations for ICANN Board of Directors

The Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC) has issued a call for nominations to fill Seat 10 on the ICANN Board of Directors. Nominations can be submitted until 16 December 2024 at 23:59 UTC.

NRO Announcement on AFRINIC

The NRO has released an announcement on AFRINIC regarding a recent court ruling.

Call for Hosts for CAPIF 4 and SEE 14

CAPIF 4 will take place from 25-26 September, 2025. The call for a host is open. Also, the call for a host is open for SEE 14, taking place from 21-22 April 2026.

CAPIF 3 Report: Strengthening Peering and Internet Growth in Central Asia

On RIPE Labs, the RIPE NCC’s Anastasiya Pak reports on all that happened at CAPIF 3, which took place from 24-25 September in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

The RIPE NCC Academy: Ten Years Later

On RIPE Labs, the RIPE NCC’s Pedro da Silva Vaz looks back at ten years of the RIPE NCC Academy.

A History of Mailing Lists in the RIPE Community

On RIPE Labs, the RIPE NCC’s Ilke Ilhan analyses participation in RIPE mailing lists over the years.

RIPE NCC Upcoming Courses and Webinars

In November, we have planned:

Tues 5 Nov 2024 LIRs: Managing IP Addresses and ASNs Webinar

Thurs 7 Nov 2024 RIPE Database Applications Webinar

Tues 12 Nov 2024 Deploying RPKI Webinar

Wed 13 Nov 2024 LIR Training Course (Bratislava)

Thurs 14 Nov 2024 IPv6 Fundamentals Training Course (Bratislava)

Fri 15 Nov 2024 BGP Routing Security Training Course (Bratislava)

Wed 20 Nov 2024 LIR Training Course (Belgrade)

Thurs 21 Nov 2024 IPv6 Fundamentals Training Course (Belgrade)

Fri 22 Nov 2024 RIPE Database Training Course (Belgrade)

Tues 26 Nov 2024 Introduction to Internet Measurements (using RIPE Atlas)

Thurs 28 Nov 2024 IP Blocklisting Basics Webinar

3. Registry

LIR Stats

Number of LIRs: 21,323 (-2)

Number of members: 20,145 (+14)

LIRs with IPv6: 15,793 (+10)

IPv4 addresses transferred in September: 1,631,232 (-27,392)

LIRs on IPv4 Waiting List: 1,021

Days that first LIR in queue has been waiting: 479

% of IPv4 address space covered by ROAs: 70%

% of IPv6 address space covered by ROAs: 39%

ARCs completed in September: 197

Graphic of the Month

ROA Oct 2024 Forum

RIPE NCC Registry Management Change

We are currently in the process of recruiting a Chief Registry Operations Officer to lead the strategic direction and development of our Registry function.

James Kennedy has stepped down from his position as Chief Registry Officer, leading the Registry operations at the RIPE NCC. During the transition phase, Hans Petter Holen, CEO and Managing Director, RIPE NCC will lead the Registry department until a suitable candidate is recruited. We would like to thank James for his contributions while at the helm of Registry Services.

RIPE NCC Members: Review Your Information Before the End of the Year


Ensure your billing information is up to date before we send invoices in early 2025. Please verify your details in the LIR portal to avoid reminders or closure warnings.

Update your information now.


If you are planning to close any LIR accounts, you can avoid getting an invoice for 2025 by submitting a valid request to close your LIR account before the end of the year (no later than 31 December 2024).

The request for closure of an LIR account due to making a policy transfer or change in business structure must be made with all the necessary information and documentation, and you must confirm your intent to close the account in the request.


  • Resources should be transferable at the time of the request.
  • For transfer requests involving IPv6 allocations, please expect additional evaluation time, as the receiving party may need to justify the need for the allocation. If there is no real need, you might consider excluding the IPv6 resource from the transfer and returning it to the free pool.

For closure requests or further assistance, contact [email protected].

Review Independent Resources and ASNs in Your LIR Account

The RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2025 introduces changes to fees for independent resources held or sponsored by members. In addition to the service fee covering all IPv4 and IPv6 allocations, there will be a EUR 25 increase to EUR 75 for Internet number resource assignments, such as IPv4 and IPv6 Provider Independent (PI) assignments, and a new annual fee of EUR 50 for each Autonomous System (AS) number.

To ensure you will not be charged for resources that you or your end users no longer need, or for resources where the contractual relationship with your customers has changed or ceased, we invite you to review all independent resources currently registered to or sponsored through your LIR account. If you identify any resources that need updating, please submit an update request through the LIR Portal as soon as possible. Members’ independent resources and ASNs will be determined based on data gathered on 31 December 2024.

How to get IP Addresses for Your Network

On RIPE Labs, the RIPE NCC’s Anastasiya Pak shares a new report providing network operators and businesses with an overview of the various options available for acquiring IP addresses today.

Saying Goodbye to an API

On RIPE Labs, the RIPE NCC’s Ewan Mackie shares that the RIPE NCC will be decommissioning the Resource Requests API on 6 January 2025 and the reasons why.

Patching Internet Vulnerabilities with RPKI

In the latest episode of the RIPE Labs Podcast, Tim Bruijnzeels of the RIPE NCC explains how RPKI helps secure BGP, how to boost coverage and what the future of the infrastructure might look like.

RIPE NCC Quarterly Sanctions Transparency Report (Q4 2024) Published

Our latest Quarterly Sanctions Transparency Report (Q4 2024) is now available. These reports provide data on how RIPE NCC members, End Users and legacy resource holders are affected by sanctions, while respecting their confidentiality and privacy. Since our last report, one End User has been identified as subject to EU sanctions that are applicable to our services and therefore their resources were frozen according to our sanctions procedure.

4. Information Services

RIPE NCC Quarterly Plans Published

On our website, we have published the Q4 2024 quarterly plans for our services including the RIPE Database, RPKI, DNS and K-root and more.

New RPKI Dashboard Released

We have released a new RPKI Dashboard. The new dashboard brings improvements to usability and ensures that we can extend the functionality with new features and new RPKI object types in the future. You can view the updated documentation for how to use the dashboard.

Changes to the RIPEstat UI

We have decided to introduce a new UI for RIPEstat that combines elements of the two previous versions. Initially, we will focus on reverting to the 2013 UI and adding the features only available in the 2020 UI. Afterwards, we will continue building on what we have and eventually sunset the 2020 UI. Our decision was made after extensive research into what features users would like in RIPEstat.

A Detailed Look at Our Recent RIPE Atlas Infrastructure Migration

On RIPE Labs, the RIPE NCC’s Robert Kisteleki and colleagues share a look into what’s happening behind the scenes of RIPE Atlas’s recent cloud migration and how we’ll improve the service going forward.