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Call for RIPE Chair and Vice Chair Nominations

news ripe community update

The RIPE nominating committee (NomCom), with help from the wider
community, will select two people to fill the positions of RIPE Chair
and Vice Chair. The NomCom now invites nominations from the community to fill these important community roles.

Any member of the RIPE community may be nominated for either position. Self-nominations are also permitted. NomCom members and members of the RIPE NCC Executive Board are not eligible to be considered.

Nominations can be sent to and should include a description of the skills or expertise that make the candidate a desirable choice. Please also include a working email address or telephone number for the nominee and indicate whether they are aware of the nomination.

The NomCom is also be interested in your opinion about the performance of the incumbent RIPE Chair, Mirjam Kühne, and RIPE Vice Chair, Niall O'Reilly. The NomCom also welcomes feedback, observations or lessons learnt from the previous NomCom and the first nominated RIPE Chair / Vice Chair term which is drawing to a close.

The deadline for all nominations is Sunday, 30 March, 23:59 UTC.

More information can be found in the relevant RIPE Documents:
ripe-714: A brief description of the RIPE Chair’s role
ripe-787: Information about the selection process
ripe-788: Detailed information about the RIPE NomCom

The activities of the NomCom can be viewed on the RIPE NomCom website.