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News and Announcements

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    Proposal for Test Database Cleanup

    As described in the 'Proposal for Periodic Clean-up for the TEST RIPE Database', the test database has been reset to a default set of objects.

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    IRIS Server Prototype

    This page provides information about the now defunct IRIS project.

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    Policy Development Process in RIPE Formalised

    1 September 2005 - We are pleased to announce that Rob Blokzijl, RIPE Chair, has published a new RIPE Document, "Policy Development Process in RIPE", (ripe-350). This document formally describes the policy development process. The updated process is operational from today. A new RIPE web page descri

    NewsItem pdp news announcement
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    New Instance of RIPE NCC Operated K-root Server Deployed in Delhi, India

    26 August 2005 - The RIPE NCC (Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre) in cooperation with APNIC have deployed a new global node instance of the K-root Internet root name server at the National Internet eXchange of India (NIXI) in Noida, Delhi, India. The K-root

    NewsItem k-root news
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    New Instance of RIPE NCC Operated K-root Server Deployed in Miami, USA

    29 July 2005 - The RIPE NCC (Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre) has deployed a new global node instance of the K-root Internet root name server at Terremark's NAP of the Americas in Miami, Florida, USA. The K-root server is one of the 13 Internet root name

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    Signature expiration check proposal

    This is a proposal about changes to how the whois database software checks PGP and X.509 signatures on incoming updates. Currently the software checks that the PGP signature is valid by using Gnu Privacy Guard (GnuPG). It verifies X.509 signatures

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    New Attribute in DOMAIN Object

    You may have seen our recently announced plans to deploy DNSSEC on the reverse tree. You can read more about this at: This plan contains a proposal for the new "ds-rdata:" attribute. This att

    NewsItem ripe database news announcement
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    New Instance of RIPE NCC Operated K-root Server Deployed in Brisbane, Australia

    29 June 2005 - The RIPE NCC (Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre) in partnership with APNIC (The Asia Pacific Network Information Centre) has deployed a new local node instance of the K-root Internet root name server at PIPE Networks Exchange in Brisb

    NewsItem k-root news
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    Latest RIS Remote Route Collectors Online at PAIX, Palo Alto, California and MSK-IX, Moscow, Russia

    27 June 2005 - We are pleased to announce that we have relocated the Routing Information Service (RIS) Project's second North American Remote Route Collector at PAIX, Palo Alto in California. We are now ready to peer with PAIX members. We would like to thank Paul Vixie and

    NewsItem news ris internet governance announcement
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    RIPE Whois Server version 3.3.0

    We are pleased to announce the release of version 3.3.0 of the RIPE Whois server. Major changes to the software include the following: People upgrading from 3.2.0 need to read the file UPDATE-DB-3.3.0. The source tree has heavily been modified; build syst

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