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    Meeting Brings Together RIRs and Law Enforcement Agencies

    The UK Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) and the RIPE NCC, together with the other Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), organised a dedicated meeting for Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) for the third time on 13 March.

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    RIPE NCC Hosts Brussels Roundtable Meeting for Governments and Regulators

    The first 2013 Roundtable Meeting was held in Brussels on 19 March, adjacent to the European Commission's High Level Group on Internet Governance, and attracted around 40 participants from governments, regulators and industry.

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    Axel Pawlik Represents RIPE NCC at Royal Briefing on Dutch Role in Digital Economy

    Today, RIPE NCC Managing Director, Axel Pawlik, was proud to be part of the group that met with His Royal Highness Prince Willem-Alexander of Orange to discuss the importance of Amsterdam as an Internet hub. AMS-IX hosted the working lunch and tour of the Equinix data centre for the Prince. The even

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    9,000 RIPE NCC Members

    The RIPE NCC is pleased to welcome our 9,000th member, who joined this week.

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    RIPE NCC Supporting TERENA Networking Conference 2013

    The RIPE NCC is proud to be sponsor of the TERENA Networking Conference 2013, which takes place in Maastricht, the Netherlands, from 3-6 June 2013.

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    RIPE NCC Response to Government Interest in an Arab RIR

    Over the past weeks and following on from talks at last year's ITU WTSA and WCIT events, both AFRINIC and the RIPE NCC have been asked to participate in discussions concerning the possibility of establishing a new Regional Internet Registry (RIR) for the Arabic-speaking community. In the spirit of open community discussion, both AFRINIC and the RIPE NCC feel that this should be brought to the attention of our members and community.

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    RIPE NCC to Host Arab IGF MAG Meeting and Open Consultation

    The RIPE NCC and the TRA of the UAE are pleased to be co-hosting an Open Consultation and meeting of the Arab Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group (AMAG) in preparation for the second Arab Internet Governance Forum.

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  • About / News
    Internet Governance and the RIPE NCC: the Year Ahead

    Internet governance is an important area of resource investment for the RIPE NCC. This article looks at some of the major Internet discussions taking place in 2013. Under an over-arching goal of ensuring the informed development of public policy relating to the Internet, the RIPE NCC has a number of areas of priority over the coming 12 months.

    NewsItem oecd igf itu icann news internet coordination internet governance
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    The RIPE NCC's Case Against the State of the Netherlands Dismissed

    On 29 November 2012, the RIPE NCC appeared in court after it filed a summons against the state of the Netherlands following a police order on 8 November 2011 to temporarily "lock" a set of specific registrations in the RIPE Database. The RIPE NCC filed this summons because it wanted the Dutch court

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  • About / News
    RIPE NCC Survey 2011 - Key Findings and Actions

    In 2011, the Oxford Internet Institute (OII) carried out the RIPE NCC Membership and Stakeholder Survey 2011 on our behalf.

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