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News and Announcements

  • About / News
    RIPE NCC Finance Updates

    The RIPE NCC has completed work on billing process improvements and is currently preparing the invoicing for 2017. Below are the latest updates on our planning and implementation. Redistribution of surplus 2016 Billing procedure 2017 now online Charges for assignments and registrations New online payment system

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    New Wizard for Setting up Reverse DNS

    The RIPE NCC now provides a wizard for setting up Reverse DNS. The wizard replaces the form for creating RIPE Database objects manually, so when creating a new DOMAIN object you will be taken to it automatically

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    RIPE NCC Survey 2016 - Key Findings and Proposed Actions

    A list of all 40 key findings from the 2016 RIPE NCC Survey and actions proposed by the RIPE NCC is now available.

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    RIPE NCC to Assign LISP EID Prefixes

    From today, the RIPE NCC performs registry functions for IPv6 Endpoint ID (EID) prefixes for Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol (LISP). LISP is an experimental "map-and-encapsulate" protocol developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force's (IETF's) LISP Working Group. The IANA has assigned an IPv6 prefix for LISP EID space in accordance with RFC7954, which the RIPE NCC is now managing in accordance with RFC7955.

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    RIPE NCC and Euro-IX Sign Memorandum of Understanding

    The RIPE NCC and the European Internet Exchange Association (Euro-IX) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the Euro-IX Forum in Krakow, Poland on 7 November 2016.

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    New Online Payment System

    As of 1 November 2016, the RIPE NCC will use Adyen for online payments of membership invoices.

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    RIPE NCC General Meeting October 2016

    The RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM) was held from 26-28 October 2016 adjacent to the RIPE 73 Meeting in Madrid. There were 147 attendees, including RIPE NCC staff and observers from the other Regional Internet Registries (RIRs).

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  • About / News
    NRO NC Election 2016: Result

    We are pleased to announce that Filiz Yilmaz was re-elected to the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) at a Plenary session of the RIPE 73 Meeting in Madrid on 28 October 2016.

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  • About / News
    RIPE NCC Supplies Feedback to ITU Study Group on Internet of Things

    Following a liaison statement that the RIPE NCC received on behalf of Study Group 20 of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), we recently supplied our feedback to the group. The Study Group is set to study the "IoT and its applications, including smart cities and communities (SC&C)". The RIPE NCC was invited to participate because the group is working to develop recommendations that relate to IPv6. A similar liaison statement was received by our colleagues at the other RIRs. As a Sector Member of the ITU, the RIPE NCC has attended the previous meetings of Study Group 20 and will continue to follow the development of these recommendations closely.

    NewsItem ipv6 itu internet governance iot news
  • About / News
    Verisign to Provide Secondary DNS Services for the RIPE NCC’s Zones

    In July we published a Request for Proposals (RfP) for a trusted third party to provide secondary DNS services for the RIPE NCC's zones. Following our announcement, we received three final proposals by the conclusion of the process. We selected the best fitting proposal based on the technical and non-technical requirements in the RfP document. We'd like to express our gratitude to all parties who submitted proposals.

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