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News and Announcements

  • About / News
    Participate in the Membership Consultation on Charging Scheme Principles

    The RIPE NCC Executive Board has decided to consult with the membership on the principles that should apply to the charging scheme model we will use in the coming years.

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  • About / News
    NRO NC Call for Nominations

    Call for nominations to fill one seat on the NRO NC.

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  • About / News
    Statement of the Number Resource Organization on Allegations Against AFRINIC

    It has come to the attention of the Number Resource Organization (“NRO”) that certain members of the Internet community have expressed concerns regarding AFRINIC, the Regional Internet Registry (“RIR”) for Africa, and its operations. Through messages posted on various community mailing lists, allegations have been made against AFRINIC and the performance of its duties as an RIR. While the issues raised are best resolved by the RIR at issue, the NRO provides the following statement to the global Internet community.

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  • About / News
    Hisham Ibrahim Appointed Chief Community Officer

    We’re pleased to announce that Hisham Ibrahim will take on the role of Chief Community Officer, heading the RIPE NCC’s community and engagement activities. This includes community development activities, learning and development, public policy and Internet governance, and membership engagement. Hish

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  • About / News
    Mediterranean Europe Country Report Published

    The RIPE NCC Internet Country Report: Mediterranean Europe looks at the Internet landscape in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Greece.

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  • About / News
    Ending Support for the RIPE NCC RPKI Validator

    On Thursday, 1 July 2021, we will stop supporting the RIPE NCC RPKI Validator. This will have no impact on any of our core activities around the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI). We are still committed to strengthening the RPKI infrastructure and our main priority is to maintain a secure, stable and resilient RPKI Certificate Authority.

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  • About / News
    RIPE NCC General Meeting May 2021

    The RIPE NCC General Meeting was held from 19-21 May 2021.

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  • About / News
    Results of the NRO NC Election May 2021

    The election to fill Filiz Yilmaz's seat on the NRO NC took place during RIPE 82 from 17-21 May 2021. Filiz will end her term on 31 May 2021. The term for this seat will end on 31 December 2022. Congratulations to James Kennedy on winning the election. Read more about the NRO NC here.

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  • About / News
    Microlearning: New in the RIPE NCC Academy

    ‘Microlearning’, a new section in the RIPE NCC Academy

    NewsItem ripe ncc academy news
  • About / News
    Apply for RACI Project Funding before 31 May 2021

    Apply for RACI Project Funding.

    NewsItem raci