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RIPE 47 call for presentations

Dear All,

Time is drawing near to the next RIPE. I am looking for a few presentations from folks who have:

- used TTM in operations or want to share with the audience their use experience
- are contemplating doing a tool based on the full data set (when it opens)
- want to publicly voice and argue for desired features and improvements (IPV6 related is a plus)

Your work does not have to be complete. Work in progress presentations are OK. Do not be constrained by the
above topics and do write to me directly if you wish to contribute.



Alexander Tudor
Agilent Labs
3500 Deer Creek Rd. M/S 24M-A
Palo Alto, CA, 94303, USA 
(email)  atudor@localhost
(office) 650.485.2704
(telnet) T.485.2704
(fax)    650.485.6318

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