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CFP: SIGCOMM 2003 posters and student travel awards, KarlsruheGermany, 25-29 August (fwd)


Henk Uijterwaal                             Email: henk.uijterwaal@localhost
RIPE Network Coordination Centre            WWW: http://www.ripe.net/home/henk
P.O.Box 10096          Singel 258           Phone: +31.20.5354414
1001 EB Amsterdam      1016 AB Amsterdam    Fax: +31.20.5354445
The Netherlands        The Netherlands      Mobile: +31.6.55861746

That problem that we weren't having yesterday, is it better? (Big ISP NOC)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 16:56:56 -0400
From: SIGCOMM 2003 jpgs@localhost
To: end2end-interest@localhost
Subject: [e2e] CFP: SIGCOMM 2003 posters and student travel awards,
     Karlsruhe Germany, 25-29 August

Call for Participation (registration now open)
Call for poster submission
Call for student travel award applications

ACM SIGCOMM 2003 -- A Data Communication Festival
25 - 29 August 2003
Karlsruhe, Germany

We invite participation in SIGCOMM 2003, which broadens the
traditional scope of the conference in a number of ways. The
conference technical program contains significantly more papers, with
the goal of diversifying the topic set and balancing theory and
practice. Additionally, a wide range of viewpoints is represented in
the position paper session, and a poster session will showcase
work-in-progress with particular emphasis on student research. A set
of workshops and tutorials are interleaved with the technical
conference to encourage participation by all attendees.  Five
workshops are held for the first time, covering networking research
(MoMeTools & NREDS), future architectures (FDNA), network-I/O
convergence (NICELI), and a QoS retrospective (RIPQoS). The highly
successful education workshop (NetEd) returns for a second
year. Tutorials given by renowned experts cover network security and
self-similar traffic.

     Poster submissions                 8 June 2003
     Student travel award application  13 June 2003
     Hotel registration                24 June 2003
     Early registration                26 July 2003

     Note the *early* hotel registration deadline:
       24 June - 12 July depending on the hotel


SIGCOMM Conference technical program (26, 28-29 Aug)
   2003 SIGCOMM Award keynote address: Dave Cheriton
   Full paper sessions:
     Routing       Denial-of-service      Position papers
     Overlays      Traffic engineering    Measurement
     Forwarding    Queue management       Peer-to-peer
   Poster session
   Social event in Heidelberg with tour of Castle

Workshops (25, 27 Aug)
   MoMeTools Models, Methods & Tools for Reproducible Network Research
   NetEd     Networking Education: How to Educate the Educators
   NREDS     Network Research: Explorations of Dimensions and Scope
   FDNA      Future Directions in Network Architecture
   NICELI    Network-I/O Convergence: Experience, Lessons, Implications
   RIPQoS    Revisiting IP QoS: Why do we care, what have we learned

Tutorials (25, 27 Aug)
   Network Security Protocols: Today and Tomorrow   R. Perlman & C. Kaufmann
   10 Years of Self-Similar Traffic Research        J. Doyle &  W. Willinger


General Conference Chairs:
     Anja Feldmann      anja@localhost (TU Munich)
     Martina Zitterbart zit@localhost  (University of Karlsruhe)

Conference Coordinator:
     Chris Edmondson-Yurkanan chris@localhost  (University of Texas)

Program Chairs:
     Jon Crowcroft   <jon.crowcroft@localhost (University of Cambridge)
     David Wetherall djw@localhost      (University of Washington)

Publicity Chair:
     James P.G. Sterbenz jpgs@localhost (BBN Technologies)

Tutorial Chair:
     Burkhard Stiller stiller@localhost (UniBw, Munich)

Workshop Chair:
     Craig Partridge  craig@localhost (BBN Technologies)

Student Travel Grant Chair:
     Dan Rubinstein   danr@localhost

Poster Chair:
     Karen Sollins:   sollins@localhost (MIT)

     Thomas Fuhrmann  fuhrmann@localhost         (University of Karlsruhe)

Local Organization:
     Steffen Blödt    bloedt@localhost           (University of Karlsruhe)
     Marcus Schöller  <marcus.schoeller@localhost (University of Karlsruhe)
     Robin Sommer     sommer@localhost             (Tech. Univ. of Munich)
     Alexander Lüdtke alex@localhost           (Tech. Univ. of Munich)

We gratefully acknowledge the support of Intel Research, Microsoft Research
Cambridge, NEC Heidelberg, NSF, and HP Labs.

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