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Re: Antenna space/specs

> I don't have a drawing in a computer readable format (yet), but we've
> ordered mounting pads for our new antennas that look like:
>   antenna
>     |
>     o      Screw
>     |
>     o      Screw
>     |
>  ---+---   Base plate
> The base plate is 6x10 cm, with 4 holes at the corners (approximately 0.75
> cm away from each corner).  The mounting pad is 14 cm high.  One can
> loosen the screws and adjust the pad for wall mounting, like
>   antenna
>     |
>     o--o--| wall
> You can also mount it to a pole with U-shaped brackets and nuts.
> The antenna is 8 cm high, 14 cm diameter.
> The standard cable has a special connector on one end, about 1.75 cm in
> diameter.  The antenna cable can be extended with standard cat-5 cable.

thank you!


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