Special ftp access for IRR?
Cengiz Alaettinoglu
Thu Mar 2 02:41:01 CET 1995
Daniel Karrenberg (Daniel.Karrenberg at ripe.net) on March 1: > > However, if > > radb gets a request from AS1 to update the copy in ripe.db, it should > > 1) forward it to ripe for processing > > 2) return the user a message to submit the request to ripe. > > > > I think we should do 2. > > Why this? I am curious! I think AS1 made a mistake and there is no easy way to guess AS1's intentions, other than to ask AS1. That is it may be the case that the source line was the mistake as opposed to the registry to which the update was sent. Cengiz -- Cengiz Alaettinoglu Information Sciences Institute (310) 822-1511 University of Southern California -------- Logged at Thu Mar 2 02:54:24 MET 1995 ---------
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