Special ftp access for IRR?
Cengiz Alaettinoglu
Tue Feb 28 20:07:04 CET 1995
bmanning at isi.edu (bmanning at isi.edu) on February 28: > > > > The medium term soloution as discussed in San Jose: > > > > Update arrives. > > > > If not the proper server, forward it there. > > > Oh yeah, I forgot this one too. There is the small problem in the US where > people are being asked to register in multiple .db's since they have > several connections and the various providers can't or won't trust the > "other guy". MCI has the policy that you must register in their .db. > It will be interesting to see how this plays when/if MCI enters the Euro > market. Then their clients will need to register in the RIPE.db and the > MCI.db, just they way they are asked to in the US. > > The point being that folks can and will register in multiple .db's. This > seems to indicate that a bit more thought will need to be expended on the > first steps as indicated above. > > --bill I think this is orthogonal to what daniel suggests. I.e. one can still register AS1 in ripe.db and radb.db in Daniel's model. However, if radb gets a request from AS1 to update the copy in ripe.db, it should 1) forward it to ripe for processing 2) return the user a message to submit the request to ripe. I think we should do 2. Cengiz -- Cengiz Alaettinoglu Information Sciences Institute (310) 822-1511 University of Southern California -------- Logged at Tue Feb 28 20:58:37 MET 1995 ---------
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