Cengiz Alaettinoglu
Tue Feb 28 19:24:13 CET 1995
Curtis Villamizar (curtis at on February 27: > > In message <9502270859.AA02844 at>, Daniel Karrenberg writes: > > > > > > It is not up for public ftp. If the lsit at large has no problems > > with that, we can just make it available in our public archives. > > Otherwise ncc at will be happy to mail you selected ones > > or put them up in a non-public FTP area. > > > > Daniel > > > This was over a difference in interpretation of the as-in and > interas-in between you and Cengiz that Dale refered to. According to > Cengiz the mail was: > > Around september and october of 94 > subjects > Implementation of RIPE-181++ > as-in/out interas-in/out recommendation > Ripe 181 Daniel, I am refering to the article where you have clarified the as-in interas-in interaction. This is the article with your algorithm to obtain preferences, and few others following that one. Perhaps also the article with the algorithm that I revised from yours. I wanted Curtis to see this article, because he had an example where *from the example* it was clear that he did not understand the interaction. Later, he clarified that his example was incomplete. > > If you can just summarize the result, that would be fine. I didn't > see that ripe-181 was ambiguous, and rather than fill me in on the > ambiguity and indicating how it was resolved, Dale and Cengiz pointed > me at the mail archives. Ripe 181 has ambiguities, but as-in/interas-in interaction is not one of them, thanks to Daniel (and me for poking for it). Cengiz -- Cengiz Alaettinoglu Information Sciences Institute (310) 822-1511 University of Southern California -------- Logged at Tue Feb 28 20:02:53 MET 1995 ---------
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