Curtis Villamizar
Tue Feb 28 05:27:28 CET 1995
In message <9502270859.AA02844 at>, Daniel Karrenberg writes: > > > It is not up for public ftp. If the lsit at large has no problems > with that, we can just make it available in our public archives. > Otherwise ncc at will be happy to mail you selected ones > or put them up in a non-public FTP area. > > Daniel This was over a difference in interpretation of the as-in and interas-in between you and Cengiz that Dale refered to. According to Cengiz the mail was: Around september and october of 94 subjects Implementation of RIPE-181++ as-in/out interas-in/out recommendation Ripe 181 If you can just summarize the result, that would be fine. I didn't see that ripe-181 was ambiguous, and rather than fill me in on the ambiguity and indicating how it was resolved, Dale and Cengiz pointed me at the mail archives. It is obviously too way complicated an issue for Merit folks to simply explain the issue and it's resolution. :-) So if you would be so kind as to do so it would save me dredging the mail archives, which I'm not looking forward to doing. Curtis -------- Logged at Tue Feb 28 10:33:03 MET 1995 ---------
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