Routing Policy System Working Group
Tony Bates
Mon Feb 27 20:28:05 CET 1995
Seems good to me. We clearly need to get RIPE181 out as an info RFC as agreed to set some context for this group. I was sort of waiting on Daniel to get his part done but will try to do this this week and get this off to the rfc-editor. --Tony. cengiz at ISI.EDU (Cengiz Alaettinoglu) writes: * * Hi, * * Here is the charter for the rps wg. There will be a BOF in * Danvers. Hope to see you all there. * * Cengiz * * -- * Cengiz Alaettinoglu Information Sciences Institute * (310) 822-1511 University of Southern California * * Charter: * * The Routing Policy System Working Group * will * (1) define a language, * referred to as Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL), * for specifying routing policy constraints; * (2) define a distributed database model * for registering routing policy constraints; * and (3) define a set of tools * for analysing registered policy constraints for global consistency, * for generating router configurations, * and for diagnosing operational routing problems. * It is expected that RPSL will enter the standards track. * * The RPSL will be routing protocol independent * as well as * router configuration format independent * to support various routing protocols such as BGP, IDRP, SDRP, * and various router technologies. * The RPSL will be backward compatible with RIPE-181 whenever possible; * the database model will be based on the RIPE database; * and RIPE pride tools will be upgraded to support RPSL * as an initial set of tools. * * The working group will also instigate, review, or (if appropriate) * produce additional RFCs * to support other protocols such as multicasting and resource reservation. * * Goals and Milestones: * * Apr 95: BOF to discuss scope of work and WG creation * * May 95: Publish initial draft specification of RPSL * * Jun 95: Publish draft specification of tools and the database model * * Jul 95: First WG meeting * * Aug 95: Publish second draft specifications * Begin collecting implementation experience for Standards track RFC * s * * Dec 95: Second WG meeting * Publish RPSL and Experiences RFC * * Jan 96: Submit RFCs for proposed standard * -------- Logged at Mon Feb 27 23:37:46 MET 1995 ---------
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