Routing Policy System Working Group
Cengiz Alaettinoglu
Mon Feb 27 19:47:24 CET 1995
Hi, Here is the charter for the rps wg. There will be a BOF in Danvers. Hope to see you all there. Cengiz -- Cengiz Alaettinoglu Information Sciences Institute (310) 822-1511 University of Southern California Charter: The Routing Policy System Working Group will (1) define a language, referred to as Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL), for specifying routing policy constraints; (2) define a distributed database model for registering routing policy constraints; and (3) define a set of tools for analysing registered policy constraints for global consistency, for generating router configurations, and for diagnosing operational routing problems. It is expected that RPSL will enter the standards track. The RPSL will be routing protocol independent as well as router configuration format independent to support various routing protocols such as BGP, IDRP, SDRP, and various router technologies. The RPSL will be backward compatible with RIPE-181 whenever possible; the database model will be based on the RIPE database; and RIPE pride tools will be upgraded to support RPSL as an initial set of tools. The working group will also instigate, review, or (if appropriate) produce additional RFCs to support other protocols such as multicasting and resource reservation. Goals and Milestones: Apr 95: BOF to discuss scope of work and WG creation May 95: Publish initial draft specification of RPSL Jun 95: Publish draft specification of tools and the database model Jul 95: First WG meeting Aug 95: Publish second draft specifications Begin collecting implementation experience for Standards track RFCs Dec 95: Second WG meeting Publish RPSL and Experiences RFC Jan 96: Submit RFCs for proposed standard -------- Logged at Mon Feb 27 20:28:11 MET 1995 ---------
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