forwarded message from John Scudder
Cengiz Alaettinoglu
Wed Feb 8 01:19:18 CET 1995
Here is some feedback on the as-in interas-in interaction. The lines that start with [ca] are my comments for clarification. ------- start of forwarded message (RFC 934 encapsulation) ------- Message-Id: <9502070119.AA27306 at> From: John Scudder <jgs at> To: cengiz at ISI.EDU Subject: more on pol2filters prefs Date: Mon, 06 Feb 1995 20:19:12 -0500 Cengiz, OK, I would like to revisit this old topic. I have two points: 1. As far as I can reverse-engineer it, the algorithm for writing the preference onto NSFNET gated.conf files is considerably less elaborate than the one used in pol2filters/ Namely, for a given set of routes matching a given expression, e.g.: # 66 (NSF_DB{ aslist == 6:293 }) AND (NSF_DB{ aslist == 6:293(145) }) [ca] 66 is the preference used by the config file generator. It is [ca] calculated using the as-in, interas-in preference interaction. the preference is 105 + max(advisory_metric). In this case the preference is 111. This is pretty easy to express; less easy for me to figure out where to code it in. The code in get_import_policy() seems to want to do everything based on interas-in and as-in. What I need access to in order to write an NSFNET-compatible preference is the advisory stuff. Suggestions? If all else fails I can parse the comment lines and pull out the metrics, then rewrite the preference for the routes which follow. But that's not my preference :-), way too ugly. As you know, I need to produce files which slavishly follow current conventions in order to pull this transition off... 2. I note that every so often pol2filters writes a comment line with a large expression like this: # 63 (NSF_DB{ aslist == 6:293 }) AND ((NSF_DB{ aslist == 1:293 } NSF_DB{ aslist == 2:293 } NSF_DB{ aslist == 3:293 } NSF_DB{ aslist == 6:293 } ) AND NOT (NSF_DB { aslist == 1:293 } NSF_DB{ aslist == 1:293(144) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 1:293(144) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 1:293(144) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 1:293(144) } NSF_DB{ aslist = = 1:293(145) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 1:293(145) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 1:293(145) } NSF _DB{ aslist == 1:293(145) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 2:293 } NSF_DB{ aslist == 2:293(14 4) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 2:293(144) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 2:293(144) } NSF_DB{ aslis t == 2:293(144) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 2:293(145) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 2:293(145) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 2:293(145) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 2:293(145) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 3:293 } NSF_DB{ aslist == 3:293(144) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 3:293(144) } NSF_DB{ as list == 3:293(144) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 3:293(144) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 3:293(145) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 3:293(145) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 3:293(145) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 3:293(145) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 6:293 } NSF_DB{ aslist == 6:293(145) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 6:293(145) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 6:293(145) } NSF_DB{ aslist == 6:293(1 45) } )) or even much larger. These never seem to match anything in the examples I am looked at. [ca] These are the left over routes that are not explicitly accepted [ca] by interas-in. In the AS690, they evaluate to the empty set. This is more along the lines of "hmm, isn't that curious" than anything else, from someone who is looking at both pol2filters and RIPE-181 as a black box (well, as much as I can). I don't care about the noise, as long as it works. I do have a sneaking suspicion that pol2filters would run way faster if there was a way to ignore these, though. - --John ------- end ------- Cengiz -- Cengiz Alaettinoglu Information Sciences Institute (310) 822-1511 University of Southern California -------- Logged at Mon Feb 13 16:50:31 MET 1995 ---------
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