Implementation of RIPE-181++
Tony Bates
Thu Oct 6 11:14:54 CET 1994
cengiz at ISI.EDU (Cengiz Alaettinoglu) writes: * * Tony Bates (Tony.Bates at on October 5: * > No - the text is clear - the pref is mapped to a relative value * > in...see the appendix for more details. I think this is enough. No * > hanging I hope ;-). * * Please yank some text from the appendix. I still can not find this. * Well - I guess this is the bit you need... .... <preference> is defined as follows: (<pref-type>=<value>) It should be noted the parenthesis ``('' and ``)'' and the ``<pref-type>'' keyword must be present for this prefer- ence to be valid. <pref-type> currently only supports "pref". It could be expanded to other type of preference such as TOS/QOS as routing technology matures. <value> can take one of the following values: <cost> <cost> is a positive integer used to express a rela- tive cost of routes learned. The lower the cost the more preferred the route. This <cost> value is only comparable to other interas-in attributes, not to as-in attributes. MED This indicates the AS will use the MUTLI_EXIT_DISCRIMINATOR (MED) metric, as implemented in BGP4 and IDRP, sent from its neighbor AS. NOTE: Combinations of MED and <cost> should be avoided for the same destinations. CAVEAT: The pref-type values may well be enhanced in the future as more inter-ASs routing protocols intro- duce other metrics. Any route specified in interas-in and not specified in as-in is assumed not accepted between the ASes concerned. Diagnostic tools should flag this incon- sistency as an error. It should be noted that if an interas-in policy is specified then it is mandatory to specify the corresponding global policy in the as-in line. Please note there is no relevance in the cost associated with as-in and the preferences used in interas-in. <routing policy expression> is an expression as defined in as-in above. ... While I see there are potentially some small outstanding implementation issues here, I don't think this constitutes enough of a problem to stop this being released a RIPE document today. We can always pick this up in the extensions document which is currently just a place-holder in many ways. --Tony. -------- Logged at Thu Oct 6 17:56:29 MET 1994 ---------
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