prdb format error
Marten Terpstra
Wed Nov 16 15:58:40 CET 1994
Folks, Some comments about the ripe-181 format of the prdb as available on *an: AS3333 *mb: MAINT-AS3333 *sn: RIPE-ASNBLOCK4 *ch: nsfnet-admin at 940422 *so: PRDB - has a probably typo for as-name, not *sn but should be *aa. - Better not to put in non-existing mnt-by attributes, *very* misleading. - have you renamed local-route to advisory? If so then we should all use *av - minor, masks are missing in ifaddr for inet-rtr objects for the enss's -Marten -------- Logged at Wed Nov 16 17:29:38 MET 1994 ---------
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