more comments...
Marten Terpstra
Sat May 28 20:19:17 CEST 1994
Jessica, Jessica Yu <jyy at> writes * * There are cases that people do not config a preference when accepting certai * n routes * and rather they use the MED (Multi Exit Distriminator) information passed al * ong with * the routes. So the sending AS actually really specify the preference not th * e * receiving AS. Let interas-out to specify its MED is to inform the receiving * AS * the policy it has and how the traffic will flow. There is no other way exce * pt a * phone call to let the receiving AS know. One of the purpose of routing regi * stry * is to reduce the need to have phone such calls. Well, again I do not agree. If I was to configure my router, I would NEVER base my configuration on my neighbours as-out lines (or interas-out for that matter). This is not so much a matter of translation into configuration or direct mapping into protocols, but about control. My neighbour can specify whatever he wants in his as-out, I make the decision (of course after discussing with my neighbour) HOW I want to receive his announcements. If you accept MED, you basically say you do not care how your neighbour sends his routes over multiple links. He can pick and choose whatever he wants, and by accepting MED you loose control over what he announces where. I strongly believe that you should only specify what you can enforce. * The MED is not just bgp specific. IDRP has allow to specify that * too. So it is not just for BGP. Not a fair argument. We all know that IDRP will be the logical successor of BGP-4 and is often referred to as BGP-5. Besides, IDRP can have many more attributes defined (see section 5.2.3 in draft-hares-idrp-05.txt). Do we include all of these? If not, can someone pick and choose which of the attributes the one specified in interas-out is? There is no way you can generate a complete router configuration without local information. You will always need this. I believe outgoing metrics is local/advisory information (again for the control argument). * How do I express that if I can not specify MED. I do not suppose I can writ * e * as-in for AS690. Noop you cannot. In the same way that you cannot specify that AS690 should accept MEDs on your connections. AS690 has control, not the neighbour. It is again enforcable versus advisory information. Mixing the two will give information you cannot base any tools on. -Marten -------- Logged at Mon May 30 11:18:18 MET DST 1994 ---------
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