prefered AS update method
Marten Terpstra
Tue Feb 22 09:17:34 CET 1994
I forgot, if you want to do without the autorise bit for some reason, delete the following 3 lines from if (($new{"an"}||$new{"cm"}||$new{"bg"}||$new{"rp"}) && ! $new{"ua"}) { return $E_GUARDED; } Then, you do not need the authorisation bits. I know, I have to get this out of the code and into the config ... -Marten Daniel Karrenberg <Daniel.Karrenberg at> writes * * We have a second mailbox called ripe-ddb at for malual updates. * This actually is the original update mailbox from the time before * automatic updates. * People send to there, we add the authorise attribute and "dist" the * message to auto-dbm, auto-dbm acks to them. * * We keep the authorise: trick confidential. Please do likewise. * * Daniel * * > Andrew Adams <ala at> writes: * > * > Hi guys. I was wondering... given that once an AS is added it can't be u * pda * > ted * > my sending mail to auto-dbm (unless you have the "authorise" attribute), * > what is your preferred method of having people update AS info? Do you * > indeed want people to use the "authoise" attribute or is there some othe * r * > way - say sending mail to "ncc." * > * > Thanks! * > * > Andy -------- Logged at Tue Feb 22 10:01:05 MET 1994 ---------
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