prefered AS update method
Daniel Karrenberg
Tue Feb 22 09:14:04 CET 1994
We have a second mailbox called ripe-ddb at for malual updates. This actually is the original update mailbox from the time before automatic updates. People send to there, we add the authorise attribute and "dist" the message to auto-dbm, auto-dbm acks to them. We keep the authorise: trick confidential. Please do likewise. Daniel > Andrew Adams <ala at> writes: > > Hi guys. I was wondering... given that once an AS is added it can't be upda > ted > my sending mail to auto-dbm (unless you have the "authorise" attribute), > what is your preferred method of having people update AS info? Do you > indeed want people to use the "authoise" attribute or is there some other > way - say sending mail to "ncc." > > Thanks! > > Andy -------- Logged at Tue Feb 22 09:18:19 MET 1994 ---------
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