Andrew Adams
Thu Feb 17 22:53:12 CET 1994
Hi. We seem to be having some problems figuring out exactly how the guarded stuff works. Let me begin by asking a specific question. I want to add the following AS for the first time. aut-num: AS1126 descr: SARA Amsterdam AS guardian: ala at admin-c: Dale Johnson tech-c: Dale Johnson changed: ala at 940217 source: RRPILOT I put this object instance definition into a file called "as_stuff" and do a "dbupdate -v as_stuff." Everything goes great and the info ends up in our rrpilot.db database file. Now, I want to change the "tech-c" attribute so I edit my "as_stuff" file so that it reads as follows. aut-num: AS1126 descr: SARA Amsterdam AS guardian: ala at admin-c: Dale Johnson tech-c: Andy Adams changed: ala at 940217 source: RRPILOT Now, when I run "dbupdate -v as_stuff" I get the folllowing errored output. dbupdate -v as_stuff Update FAILED: [aut-num] AS1126 aut-num: AS1126 descr: SARA Amsterdam AS guardian: ala at admin-c: Dale Johnson tech-c: Andy Adams changed: ala at 940217 source: RRPILOT *ERROR*: guarded objects cannot be updated via automatic procedure Objects that just generated a WARNING have been updated as shown. Objects that generated an *ERROR* have NOT been updated as requested. Sincerely Yours, Merit RR-Pilot Database Maintenance Department What am I doing wrong? How are AS objects modified after they are entered the first time. Also, what is the definition of a "guarded object." Is it any object type referenced by a guarded attribute? So, my understanding of guarded attributes is as follows. Say I have the following network and AS object instances already in my database. inetnum: netname: MERIT descr: Merit Network, Inc. country: US admin-c: Dale Johnson tech-c: Andy Adams connect: NSF changed: ala at 940217 source: RRPILOT aut-num: AS237 descr: NSFNETTEST14-AS guardian: ala at admin-c: Dale Johnson tech-c: Andy Adams changed: ala at 940217 source: RRPILOT As the owner of net 35 I would like to specify that my AS is 237. However, the aut-sys attribute in the Net object is guarded. My understanding is that is that there must be an account on the database machine (in this case called "AS237". In the home directory of of AS237 there must exist a file called "AS237" which contains in it somewhere the line About here in the process I begin to get confused. How do I, the owner of net 35, get my aut-sys attribute updated? In ripe-108 it states on page 3 "These lists (also called 'guarded files') will be maintained and be served as the 'only' source of membership information used in the database." Does this imply that a 'guarded file' contains __only__ a list of network numbers? I suspect not because of text that appears later but it's not entirely clear what these 'guarded files' are allowed to contain and what the legal syntax is. Later on ripe-108 says on page 4 "For each of the guarded files found on '' the database software will load any guarded attribute value(s) for the network object(s) listed in the guarded file. This will take place at the same time as the database is garbage collected." So only the "guardian" of the AS 237 is allowed to make the aut-sys change to the net 35 object. That make sense. But the 2 questions are (1) How does the guardian of AS 237 specify that this should happen? Some lines in a files in the ~AS237/AS237 files perhaps? (2) What is the garbage collection program that must be run to effect the changes in rrpilot.db? Is it "cleandb"? Finally, ripe-108 mentions a guardian syntax checker called "checkguard." Is this available? Thanks a lot for any info! -Andy -------- Logged at Fri Feb 18 10:29:17 MET 1994 ---------
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