Hardcoded attributes
Marten Terpstra
Thu Feb 17 13:33:58 CET 1994
doc/hardcoded.doc Hardcoded attributes Although the database software has been written to be as generic as possible, there are a certain number of attributes in the database software that are treated special in some way. The database software has build in knowledge about these attributes, and performs specific actions based on the values of these attributes. These attributes should therefore not be used in a different context. The software will always use the two letter code for all hardcoded attributes. Below is a description of all attributes that the database software has built in knowledge off. A short description of what the database software does with them is added to each atribute. so (source): The source attribute in the database software is used to provide a mapping between a database source, and a UNIX file. The database software will open a database file based on the DBFILE mapping between source value and UNIX file the configuration file. modules affected: dbupdate.pl ch (changed): The changed attribute has the following build in syntax: ch: <email-address> YYMMDD The date portion of this attribute is used at update time, to make sure that a to be updated object is newer than the object currently in the database. Objects will only be updated when the date portion is equal or higher than the current changed attribute in the database. The email portion of the changed field is used when due to the addition of guarded attributes, a network block has to be split to accomodate a true picture of guarded attribute to network mapping. Whenever s block is split for this reason, the software will determine the email address of the person who last changed this object, and send this person a notification of the split. modules affected: cleandb.pl updatecheck.pl in (inetnum): The inetnum attribute is handled special in many cases, and it should represent an IP network number or range. This attribute is handled special to cope with expanding ranges, and indexing. modules affected: cleandb.pl enkeys.pl ny (notify): The value of the notify attribute is always an email address. The usage of this attribute is described in ripe-96. modules affected: notify.pl ma (maintainer): not yet implemented -------- Logged at Wed Feb 23 14:57:24 MET 1994 ---------
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