adding new attributes (and objects)
Tony Bates
Sat Feb 26 16:48:00 CET 1994
rlr at writes: * hi, * I don't know if anyone is listening this weekend, but just in case, * I'm trying to work on this so if you have a minute... * Hi - I'm listening ;-) * I would like to add some new attributes to one of our dbs. * I have added to the conf file the line: * * ATTR dr db-reference * * for the new attribute, and to the object I added dr to: * * OBJ in OPT as bl co ch gw ii ni no rl rm rz ny ma dr * * (I of course checked to be sure dr was not used already.) * * Then I just tried to update a net giving a value to dr. * (an arbitrary changes to yet.) * It gives me the message: * * *ERROR*: attribute "db-reference" unknown in inetnum object * * knows enough to expand the the abbreviation * (since the line in the update file is 'dr: rlr'), * but it doesn't recognize the attribute in the net object. * * So...what am I missing/not doing here? * I think you missed the ATSQ line. OBJ in ATSQ .. .. dr Remember that gives the ordering as well for the whois output. * ---- * A more general question: * * We are planning to add some additional attributes, some mandatory to our db * file. * To do that, we will of course have to change the conf file here. * I am assuming that won't make a problem for us importing (by ftp of diff's * or whatever) * your ripe.db, since we won't be trying to update the objects in that db. Right. * That is, as I undestand things, these additions to the conf file * will only effect things on input of objects, which will be into our db file * . * Thus, it won't affect lookups that expect to search * both our and your db files here, so your db file will work just fine. Right. * * Am I understanding things correctly? * Yep * thanks! * You're welcome. * - r * -T * ps of course for export of our files to you, we also will have to * write out objects without attributes you don't have. Well - the smae principle applies so you dont have to I believe. Marten can say better on this one but I don't it is a problem. -------- Logged at Mon Feb 28 09:00:28 MET 1994 ---------
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