RIH: ("Request for Hints on How to Learn Your System")
Marten Terpstra
Wed Feb 16 10:11:21 CET 1994
"Dale S. Johnson" <dsj at merit.edu> writes OK, here we go for the db implementation stuff. I might miss some history, have not been in for two days, and have not yet read all the mails on this yet. * > (0) ftp to ftp.ripe.net and pull files A, B, C from X, Y, and Z directorie * s * > Presumably A,B,C constist of things like the email parser, the restric * ted * > shell for guardians, scripts that move data between files and into the * > "master" db file, the RIPE whois server, etc. * > (1) If they do not already exist, set up similar directories on the new * > machine. * > If A,B,C are C programs and not scripts... * > (2) Try to compile (if C, C++) A, B, C in their new directories. * > (3) Sort through compiler errors due to our using a different compiler and * > go back to (2). * > (4) Find out the directory strucuture into which all registered data goes. * > For example where is information parsed from email dumped. * > (5) Create said directories and files. * > (6) Find out new unix accounts need to be set up - and how they are to be * > set up. (PATH variables, restricted shells, email addresses, etc). * > (7) Create said accounts and set up environments. * > (8) Find out what checker programs are run and if they are done by hand, * > by the registering party or by cron. * > (9) Learn to run said checker programs. > (10) Have some lunch. * > (11) After lunch, try to send some test data to the email parser sitting o * n * > the new machine. * > (12) Try to enter some test data as a "guardian". * > (13) Spend time trying to figure out why (11) and (12) are not working. * > (14) Give up on (13) and set up a conference call with you guys in hopes * > of sorting through things. My suggestion: - get the db software - check and change the config - follow the instructions to run a secondary server for the RIPE like info - follow the instructions to do some simply updating - try and do some automatic updating through the email interface - try and change some bits in the config - contact me if this all goes well, so I can explain the guardian bits some more, because that is hardly documented yet. The database software will already generate a complete directory structure for you, all that is needed to run the stuff, including logging and all other things needed. Don;t start with the fancy guardian stuff until you understand the rest of the software. -Marten PS If you already picked up the software, get the latest version, many of the guarded stuff was not yet in the ftpable version, I just put up a new version. -------- Logged at Wed Feb 16 16:02:36 MET 1994 ---------
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