notes from last night
Bill Manning
Tue Dec 6 21:06:23 CET 1994
John Stewart - MCI Tony Bates - MCI Cengiz Bill Dale Johnson - MERIT Marten T. Daniel K. - RIPE Mirjam Kuehne - RIPE Elise Gerich - Merit Jessica Yu - Merit - multidatabase issues distinct by source attribute - works on single source (current imp.) a series of db that appear consistant when queried - where # of db is 2-10 10-100 (where the query can be analysis tools) documentation tools - prtraceroute etc. what do we do: RIPE keeps RIPE data, & others (internic, prdb, alternet) Tools currently query all and have internal weighting for belief on answers. MCI shadows RIPE, internal MCI, PRDB, CAnet, Internic. same as RIPE sw. mirror tools different than RIPE, pull twice a day. Split mode vs Single - more flexable - work on raw data - more flexable indexes.. Internic is into rwhois once a week. (wish they were here) (its tagged- can we get it as a mirror?) Merit - PRDB (for 690 till apr95), 4-6 wks w/ split RRDB and PRDB co-incident. Use of advisory attribute is appreciated. Pulled 181 over monday. Will announce in a week or two. RS - multi-view - need docs (whole issue of change control of 181 attributes) (things that can't be done in 181 (alternet, ANS) What tools do we have and where do they get the data? Get the data via one server (cached data?) How to do consistancy checking) If we can define what we are athoritative for, then we can figure out models of trust. Do we just query for the things we need? Distributed updates is a good thing. A whole snapshot or a diff? Diffs may not be able to deal w/ deletes. Keep copies from each db. (for at least a year - with limited set?) Need distributed DB guru? yes/no? What level of syncronization do we need? Update per record does not seem tractable. Shapshoot may not be feasable but it is easier. 2hrs or twice a week - use the snapshots as often as they want. Timestamp and MD5 sign the updates. Belief is the order in which things are returned. Models of trust is based on non-authoritative archives of others data. No "source GRR" (may build a "fake" GRR appearance) Use IRR (Internet Routing Registry (Daniel K) add what sources you hold and the ordering to the software (add timestamp of the latest update) IRR object - describe the local registry (done by rocky&bullwinkle & Mr.Peabody) Daniel will keep a copy of the "master-list" IRR wins over GRR based on the coin toss. mir at jstewart at --- Changes to 181 extentions? references/referal objects ? deal w/ community strings and replication of strings (fifo on string uniqness) A global unique structure or loose (duplicated) RRs? Need 281, 381, updated/upgraded. Need to complete the documentation/rfc and then next series of upgrades. Do we ask for a plenery at the next IETF after the fyiRFC. Yes. Preclude changes now? No. Turn 181 into an RFC now. Daniel will do the dirty work. send to rr-impl list. Config-file generators (prconfig?) all new tools added to the pride tool suite mirror the stuff. add the advisory attribute (check syntax) Tony and Dale will work the details. -- --bill -------- Logged at Tue Dec 6 23:25:05 MET 1994 ---------
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