Migration to RIPE 181
Tony Bates
Fri Dec 23 21:22:07 CET 1994
Actually, this is not quite right. It is the bootstrap issue. For it to be an immediate replacement the current entries need to get the advisory tag in them for exisiting routes. We are going to automatically add an advisory line to all routes here based on the PRDB to get it bootstrapped. Enke will be working on this at MCI. There is no reason why we cant give the script out. It is actually already there in the PRDB dump anyway. --Tony. Marten Terpstra <Marten.Terpstra at ripe.net> writes: * * ca at cs.UMD.EDU (Cengiz Alaettinoglu) writes * * * * In the IRR meeting, we have agreed that one object (route object in * * this case) can belong to multiple databases and the local database * * server decides on which copy to prefer. * * * * Hence, till ripe-db is ready, we can register European routes in RADB * * with the advisory attribute. * * Sorry but the phrase "till ripe-db is ready" is *very* confusing. The * RIPE database is ready. Anyone can register routes with an advisory * attribute. It'd be simple to write a few line script that would take * the paths from the mumblemumbleDB (sorry I get confused about RRDB, * RADB, PRDB, MERITRR ...) and submit them to the RIPE database. * * * The drawback of this approach is that after the ripe-db is ready there * * is some cleanup work to be done. * * So why not just register these routes with advisory in the RIPE DB? * * -Marten * * Ps Merry Xmas all! -------- Logged at Fri Dec 23 21:27:00 MET 1994 ---------
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