Migration to RIPE 181
Marten Terpstra
Fri Dec 23 21:16:15 CET 1994
ca at cs.UMD.EDU (Cengiz Alaettinoglu) writes * * In the IRR meeting, we have agreed that one object (route object in * this case) can belong to multiple databases and the local database * server decides on which copy to prefer. * * Hence, till ripe-db is ready, we can register European routes in RADB * with the advisory attribute. Sorry but the phrase "till ripe-db is ready" is *very* confusing. The RIPE database is ready. Anyone can register routes with an advisory attribute. It'd be simple to write a few line script that would take the paths from the mumblemumbleDB (sorry I get confused about RRDB, RADB, PRDB, MERITRR ...) and submit them to the RIPE database. * The drawback of this approach is that after the ripe-db is ready there * is some cleanup work to be done. So why not just register these routes with advisory in the RIPE DB? -Marten Ps Merry Xmas all! -------- Logged at Fri Dec 23 21:22:26 MET 1994 ---------
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