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[ncc-services-wg] 2012-07's direct engagement option
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Tore Anderson
tore at
Tue Apr 22 10:13:32 CEST 2014
* Gert Doering > ... because the policy says so, as in "the community decided that they > want the NCC to offer this" But from Randy and Sander's messages to this thread it seems fairly clear that the DAU option the membership is asked to approve at the GM is *NOT* what the community (or at least not the 2012-07 authors) wanted the NCC to offer. So, what do I do at the GM? - If I vote YES to both the proposed 2015 charging scheme AND the proposed 2012-07 implementation plan, I will have voted in favour of the NCC wasting time and effort implementing an apparently useless DAU option which in any case is not the one the community/proposal authors wanted in the first place. - If I vote NO to either the proposed 2015 charging scheme and/or the proposed 2012-07 implementation plan, I will have rejected the useless DAU option and its implementation, but that probably means there won't be *any* DAU option, useful or useless. There appears to be no way possible combination of votes that I can cast at GM that would establish a *useful* DAU option in line with how the community and 2012-07 authors wanted it (i.e., one where "reasonable charges" means "significantly cheaper than full LIR status"). I find that quite problematic! Tore
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