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The ncc-services-wg Archives
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Starting: Tue Nov 4 10:23:20 CET 2003
Ending: Thu Nov 27 10:24:25 CET 2003
Messages: 13
- [ncc-services-wg] [db-wg] Maintenance on RIPE Whois Server, 28 November 2003 DB-News
- [ncc-services-wg] [db-wg] Novel NetMail users (fwd) Denis Walker
- [ncc-services-wg] [db-wg] Novel NetMail users (fwd) Jochen Schmidt
- [ncc-services-wg] Announcing RISwhois - RIPE NCC IPv4/IPv6 address to origin mapping Rene Wilhelm
- [ncc-services-wg] Final Reminder - RIPE NCC Dubai Meeting, Dec. 2003 Membership Liason Officer
- [ncc-services-wg] Maintenance on RIPE Whois Server, 10 November 2003 DB-News
- [ncc-services-wg] [db-wg] Maintenance on RIPE Whois Server, 28 November 2003 DB-News
- [ncc-services-wg] new autohm? Joerg Schumacher
- [ncc-services-wg] new autohm? Shane Kerr
- [ncc-services-wg] new autohm? Sergey S Zimin
- [ncc-services-wg] new autohm? leo vegoda
- [ncc-services-wg] New Documents available RIPE NCC Document Announcement Service
- [ncc-services-wg] Planned Downtime for LIR Portal Service Shane Kerr
- [ncc-services-wg] Reverse DNS Restructuring Project Olaf M. Kolkman
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