[ncc-dubai03] SANOG VI Program and Fellowship Announcement

[Apologies for duplicate e-mails]

Dear Colleagues,

SANOG VI Program and Fellowship Announcement

16 - 23 July 2005
Thimphu, Bhutan

SANOG VI is being held in Thimphu, Bhutan from 16 - 23 July 2005. Please refer to
www.sanog.org/sanog6/ for details.

SANOG VI program and agenda are now published on http://www.sanog.org/sanog6/.

Program and Agenda:

SANOG VI program incorporates the following

Three hands-on workshops: 16 - 20 July 2005

- IP Services Workshop
- ISP Routing and BGP Multihoming Workshop
- ISP and NSP Security Workshop,

Tutorials 21 - 22 July 2005

- BGP and High Availability Routing Workshop by Juniper
- VOIP and SIP Deployment
- ISP and Network Security
- IP Networks and Wireless Architecture
- Netflow / Flowtools
- DNS and DNSSec deployment

Birds-of-a-Feather: 22 July 2005
- Regional Updates BoF

Full Day Conference Program: 23 July 2005
- Routing and Internet Operations
- Network Architecture and
- Application Deployment

Additional Programs: 21 - 23 July 2005

- APNIC Regional policy update
- APNIC hostmaster Consultation

SANOG VI Fellowship Announcement

SANOG VI is also pleased to announce the fellowship program with
support of the Internet Society and Network Startup Resource Center
(NSRC). SANOG VI fellows will received a maximum of USD 500
towards air fare and local accommodation during the event. Please find
more information about the fellowship program from the SANOG
Fellowship Site at http://www.sanog.org/fellowship/

SANOG VI Call for Papers

SANOG VI Call for papers for the conference is available online at

Everyone is Welcome.

We expect a huge turn out from the region at this SANOG meeting
owing to the popularity at previous meets. With more involvement of
APNIC in the content of overall program, we hope you will be able
to attend this meeting.

The meeting is open to everyone from the operational community, and
thus anyone who wants to find out more about Internet operations in
South Asia is welcome.

You can register for SANOG by sending in the form available at
www.sanog.org/sanog6/ or using the online registration system.
Registrations from inside Bhutan can be paid by cheques.

Kind regards,

Paul Rendek
Head of Member Services and Communications