[ncc-dubai03] Internet Society INET MEA Regional Conference

[Apologies for duplicate e-mails]

Dear Colleagues,

The INET MEA 2005 regional conference will be organised in conjunction with the Second Pan-Arab Regional Conference for the World Summit on the Information Society in Cairo, Egypt, 8 – 10 May, 2005. It will focus on the technical coordination aspects of the Internet.

The RIPE NCC encourages participation in this regional conference, especially for our Middle Eastern members and AfriNIC’s members. Axel Pawlik, RIPE NCC Managing Director, and Adiel Akplogan, AfriNIC CEO, will be speaking on Regional Internet Registry operations. This conference presents a good opportunity for members of the community to follow and participate in discussions and prepare for the session on Internet Governance in the second Pan-Arab Regional Conference.

The INET MEA conference complements the Pan-Arab Regional WSIS conference to be held 9 May 2005, where we would also encourage attendance.

In the session entitled 'The Internet: How it works, Why it works, Who makes it work?' representatives of the groups and organisations that enable and support the operation of the Internet infrastructure will give first-hand information about just how the Internet coordination processes have evolved and how they work today. Speakers also include respected and experienced specialists from the MEA region who will explain why the stability of the Internet is so important, and what can be done to maintain it.

The session (which will be held on 8 May 2005) complements the session 'Internet Governance: Public Policy and Technical Coordination' to be held on 9 May 2005 during the Pan-Arab Regional WSIS conference. All those involved with any aspect of Internet operations or policymaking will find this session invaluable and are encouraged to attend.

Agenda - 'The Internet: How it works, Why it works, Who makes it work?':

1. Root server operations
Speaker: UAEnic (TBC)

2. ccTLD operations
Speaker: .tn (TBC)

3. RIR operations
Speakers: Adiel Akplogan, AfriNIC (confirmed)
Axel Pawlik, RIPE NCC (confirmed)

Speaker: Anne-Rachel Inne, ICANN (TBC)

5. Interconnections and Internet Exchange Points
Speakers: Didier Kasole, KINIX (confirmed)
Amr M. Aboualam, Exchange Point Egypt (confirmed)

More information about the Second Pan-Arab Regional Conference for the World Summit on the Information Society can be found here:

Details about how to register for the INET MEA 2005 regional conference will be posted here soon:

Paul Rendek
Head of Member Services and Communications