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si.k2 request for reduced signup fee

  > Agathoclis Stylianou writes:
  > IF it existed in 1994 BUT has not paid any NCC contribution, then 
  > according to the spirit of the Amsterdam NCC meeting, the registry did 
  > not exist. If we want to change our rules, then this is another issue. 


Thank you for your evaluation.

  > I believe that Daniel is the most appropriate person to evaluate the 
  > situation  and should give his opinion or suggestion before seeking ours.

I have pondered this and consciously avoided giving either evaluation,
nor opinion or suggestion.  This is because it is up to you all to
decide whether an exception to the charging scheme is appropriate.  Were
I to make suggestions with every request, I would become the de-facto
judge of such requests.  I would like to avoid that.  From your request
and private comments however I must conclude that many of you want me to
give an opinion on requests I forward to you.  Since I am working for
you I'll have to comply.  But please keep in mind that this is only my
personal opinion; the *decision* is yours. 

Having said that, I must inform you that I personally do not think the
request from Darko Bulat should be approved.  In all similar cases we
have insisted on either the signup fee or last year's invoices being
paid in full.  I see no special circumstances that would warrant an
exception in this case.  There are four provider registries in Slovenia.
All the others contribute (one through EUnet).  I believe exceptions
should only be made in cases where the Internet is just starting to
evolve and there is no environment yet to generate the necessary funds.


Daniel Karrenberg
RIPE NCC Manager

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