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[members-discuss] Discuss Charging Scheme 2010
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Hank Nussbacher
hank at
Fri Jun 19 08:31:35 CEST 2009
On Thu, 18 Jun 2009, Martin List-Petersen wrote: > It's not charging retroactively. Retroactively charging for the PI space > would be sending invoices out for every year from '92 to to date, which > is not happening. > > What is happening that the price has changed from 0 to 50 EUR/year > (well, the draft price). > > It's like an update of pricing or the terms and conditions, so you can > consider to either give your allocation back and won't be charged in the > future or you'll pay the price. That would be true from about 2000 and onward when there was terms and conditions. Back in 1992 or even 1996 there were no terms and conditions in this regards. From a certain point onward the T&C changed whereby you agreed to any future changes. -Hank
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