RIPE Hostmasters visiting LIRs
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet woeber at
Thu Sep 16 19:58:58 CEST 1999
>Of course we could also try to add a new policy which says that >if a LIR after three warnings from RIPE havn't gotten their >act together they get a RIPE visit, and the full bill for >that visit (the "RIPE-MIB": RIPE-Men In Black :-) Yeah, you fail 3 times to answer a phone call within 30 seconds on Sunday afternoon, and voila, you've got the tax hounds on your neck :-) :-) :-) Reality check, gentlemen! From my point of view there is milage in persuing this idea, with the boundary condition that the goal of this whole exercise is to improve the mutual understanding and information flow between the LIRs and RIR's representatives (i mean: strategically, not for a *particular* LIR or particular HM (or a very small set of both)!). Paying visits to each other is maybe *one* way of achieving that goal. There might be others, quite as well. Let's hear the NCC's point of view on this general idea. Then let's try to sort out the particular goals, boundary conditions, and - eventually - the funding issues. How's that sound? My 2 Groschen (0.02 ATS = 0.00145346 EUR) for X-NCC-RegID: at.aconet Wilfried.
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