PI vs PA Address Space
Tony Li tli at cisco.com
Thu May 18 02:09:51 CEST 1995
Daniel, I'm somewhat concerned about the text: The regional IRs cannot do this because they would face determining who is a service provider and who is not as well as enforcing minimum sizes for address allocations. This would amount to nothing less than the registries regulating Internet service provision. So far no practical policies for these determinations have been suggested let alone met with community consensus. There is a logical leap here that I'm just not following. Suppose that some organization requests space from an IR. How does knowing whether or not they are an ISP matter? I would submit that the IR must allocate PA (i.e., "leased") address space to the organization regardless of their business status. I suspect that the (faulty) thinking here is that folks who ARE an ISP _automatically_ get PI space. This is NOT the intent of what we've been doing, at least as far as I know. As to practical policies, RFC 1518 outlines some obvious cases (e.g., multihoming) which do deserve PI space. I would hope that this could be the basis of some well-thought out policies. I should also point out that no one is going to propose policies other than the IR's. Have fun writing... ;-) Tony
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