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The ipv6-wg Archives
Messages sorted by: [ subject ] [ author ] [ date ]
Starting: Fri Sep 7 04:55:50 CEST 2012
Ending: Wed Sep 26 15:39:31 CEST 2012
Messages: 10
- [ipv6-wg] Draft Agenda for IPv6 wg RIPE65 (v1) and call for agenda topics David Kessens
- [ipv6-wg] ipv6mon v1.0 released! (IPv6 address monitoring daemon) Fernando Gont
- [ipv6-wg] Fwd: [ncc-services-wg] RIPE NCC Begins to Allocate IPv4 Address Space From the Last /8 Marco Hogewoning
- [ipv6-wg] Draft Agenda for IPv6 working group during RIPE65 (v2)
Marco Hogewoning
- [ipv6-wg] Draft Agenda for IPv6 working group during RIPE65 (v3) Marco Hogewoning
- [ipv6-wg] ipv6-wg Digest, Vol 13, Issue 4
Thorsten.Trottier at
- [ipv6-wg] Open meetings (Was Re: ipv6-wg Digest, Vol 13, Issue 4) Marco Hogewoning
- [ipv6-wg] Invitation to 7th Slo IPv6 summit and ISOC ION meeting Jan Zorz at
- [ipv6-wg] Final draft agenda for RIPE 65 Marco Hogewoning
- [ipv6-wg] New on RIPE Labs: IPv6 CPE Survey and More IPv6 RIPEness Mirjam Kuehne
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