[ipv6-hackathon] Projet proposal: Rapidly deploying an IPv6 testing platform for education
Samer Lahoud samer.lahoud at usj.edu.lb
Sun Oct 29 14:27:12 CET 2017
Dear all, I would like to propose a project that consists of rapidly deploying an IPv6 testing platform that can be used in student labs (or also in professional training). The description below is a first draft, I will be glad to receive any comments and modifications if you feel interested in the project outcome. ==== In a typical student lab, we would like to analyse the transition from IPv4 to IPv6, the coexistence of the two versions, and also the interaction with different applications. Let us take for example an IPv4/IPv6 dual stack HTTP server, a dual stack DNS server, an IPv4 only HTTP server, and an IPv6 only HTTP server. Playing with such servers will enable students to understand different challenges related to the transition from IPv4 to IPv6. For instance, when I type www.example.com in my browser, what will be the formulated DNS queries? When my PC receives two DNS replies, what HTTP/TCP connection will it try first? etc. My proposed idea is to use Mininet to automatically deploy the IPv4 and/or IPv6 servers (Mininet http://mininet.org creates a realistic virtual network, running real kernel, switch and application code, on a single machine). Then, this (virtual) server platform can be bridged with any hardware platform (for example student PCs, quagga routers, etc.) to obtain a full Lab workbench. Some additional outcomes of the proposed project can consist of writing a basic lab (with questions and answers) to promote the platform, and also exploring some SDN functionalities enabled by the use of Mininet. ==== If my proposed project is not retained, I will be glad to join efforts in designing an automatic tool that computes the AS-path inflation between IPv4 and IPv6 paths in the current DFZ routing table or maybe computing for each country the percentage of IPv6 AS-paths originating and terminating in the country but crossing ASes from other countries. Best regards, Samer Lahoud. ---- Samer Lahoud Professeur associé Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth ESIB - Laboratoire CIMTI Tel: (+961) 1 421 339