[ipv6-hackathon] Project ideas?
Moritz Wilhelmy mw-hackathon at barfooze.de
Sat Oct 28 21:46:53 CEST 2017
Hi all, from the Round of Introductions thread I've collected the following TL;DR summary of IPv6 related activities that people take part in: * IPv6 and home automation, self-hosting * sysadmins and network engineers deploying IPv6 services dual stack , IPv6 routing, IPv6 for transit networks, IPv6 for large companies * RIPE Atlas, measurement and data analysis * academic research and teaching on IPv6 and network engineering * UX/UI/Frontend web development and at least a couple of us are complaining that IPv6 takes too long to actually be used in production :) And I'm curious where the people who deal with IPv6 on a daily basis see deficits with the tools they have to use, because maybe we should center a project around that? Best regards, Moritz