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[Hackathon-list] Will more data be made available to us during the hackathon?

Thomas Levine _ at
Tue Mar 17 15:21:20 CET 2015

Oh, good, I had missed this.

On 17 Mar 15:07, Daniel Quinn wrote:
> Those are all /visualisations/ of data, but not really good sources of
> raw data themselves. A good place to start is the URL in Michela’s
> email, which includes links to a series of APIs you can use to get raw data:
>   * Querying the REST API <>
>   * Latest measurement results API
>     <>
>   * Result streaming API <>
>   * Status Checks <>
>   * Measurement result parsing library (Sagan)
>     <>
> If it’s likely that you’ll need a Very Large Dataset to do what you need
> (many of our measurements span multiple years and tens of gigabytes),
> please feel free to post to the list with a request in advance so we can
> pull down a copy of everything and bring it to the Hackathon on a USB
> stick. That way, your hacking won’t be held up by downloading a couple
> gigs through the local wifi :-)