[enum-wg] The ENUM Federation: activities, website etc.
Nikolay Shopik shopik at inblock.ru
Tue Aug 28 16:30:08 CEST 2012
On 28/08/12 17:57, Richard Shockey wrote: > Well the discussions about industry wide Carrier ENUM in North America are moving pretty well. Both Canada and the US have regulatory moves to turn off classic TDM based POTS and move to all SIP/IMS networks. It worth mention another big country, Russia, actually soon should request delegation. As per last meeting at regulatory, this what summary says. We are need few changes at federal law, which is now in work, because of MNP will be mandatory soon. Preferable form is operator ENUM. Most testings done in 2010 in 2011 in test zone, further work are excepted done after delegation of 3.7.e164.arpa, 4.7.e164.arpa, 5.7.e164.arpa, 8.7.e164.arpa, 9.7.e164.arpa and decision who will be coordinate these zones. Here is presentation, [Russian] http://www.slideshare.net/Mincomsvyaz/enum-22-062012
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