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VoIP - Public consultation (fwd)

Dear colleagues,

Gordon Lennox sent me this - appears that pretty much everybody
holds consultations on VoIP these days. Although this seems to
be about VoIP itself and not its numbering aspects.


	Carsten Schiefner

--- begin forwarded message from Gordon.Lennox@localhost ---
From: Gordon.Lennox@localhost
Subject: VoIP - Public consultation
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 16:15:01 +0200

Apologies if you have already seen this but there is a public consultation
by the European Commission on the regulatory treatment of VoIP under the EU
regulatory framework. An information and consultation paper is available
through the links below.

Written comments should be sent to infso-b1@localhost by 31st August 2004
at the latest, and should be marked “VoIP” in the subject line. 


or maybe easier


You may wish to inform others via the appropriate lists.

--- end forwarded message from Gordon.Lennox@localhost ---

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