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Re: European regulators' consultation on numbering for VoIP services

Hi Vince,
>The report excludes ENUM from its scope, but it may nevertheless be of interest. 
It is true that the report excludes ENUM from 1.3  Scope,
but in Section 7.5 New number ranges 
Option 9 (number-range for ENUM-based services)
addresses ENUM in the correct place and context.
BTW, congratulations to ERO and NNA to this document.
It is a well-balanced overview (and also tutorial )on numbering
related to VoIP, listing all the options and pros and cons for each 
So the report is not only of interest, it is high-recommended reading 
not only for NRAs, but also for service provders.
Of course I do not agree with everything, but this are minor issues.
One major point left out IMHO is the issue of  eventually separating
the usage of numbers for terminating and originating calls, which will
be possible with VoIP.
The problem of nomadic usage of geographic numbers is really not
a serious problem for terminating calls (setting aside the number exhaust
problem), because also on the PSTN a user may forward his call to
anywhere in the world without the calling user knowing.
The real problem arises with originating calls especially to emergency services,
as long as the proper location cannot be provided. In this case the CLI
of a geographic number may be misleading. The usage of a non-geo number
may give the emrgency service an indication that the location information
needs to be retrieved from the caller.
A NRA may require from a service provider using geo-numbers that
originations may done only from the provided location (e.g. the DSL line)
If the user wants to be nomadic also and originate calls, he must use a non-geo
number in this case (this is BTW the requirement in Austria for use of geonumbers
with VoIP). The non-geo number of course works also for terminations,
(so it is not a pseudo number, which could also be an option).
Since there is no problem on VoIP to link two numbers to one account,
this is easily to implement.

	-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- 
	Von: Vincent Humphries [
] Gesendet: Di 22.06.2004 18:10 An: enum-trials@localhost Cc: Betreff: European regulators' consultation on numbering for VoIP services Dear All The numbering, naming and addressing working group of the CEPT Electronic Communications Committee -- a body representing regulators from all of Europe (including non-EU countries) -- yesterday released a report on the numbering options for VoIP services for public consultation. The report excludes ENUM from its scope, but it may nevertheless be of interest. Details can be found at www.ero.dk/voip. Regards... Vince Humphries European Radiocommunications Office tel: +45 33 89 63 03 fax: +45 33 89 63 30 e-mail: humphries@localhost <
> web: www.ero.dk <http://www.ero.dk/>

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