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Prototype of ENUM validation system online

over summer we developed a distributed authentication architecture for ENUM validation based on the RADIUS protocol, which was described in http://enum.nic.at/documents/AETP/Permanent_Documents/Drafts/0030-ENUM_validation_architecture_v04.doc .

Otmar Lendl has just finished a prototype as proof-of-concept of this design and this prototype is now online.

The presentation is available at http://enum.nic.at/documents/AETP/Presentations/Austria/0026-2003-11_ENUM-Validation-demo.ppt

The demo system is online for your perusal at http://samuel.ops.at43.at/ .

The documentation for this demo software is at http://samuel.ops.at43.at/docs/

we're very interested in comments & feedback

-Michael Haberler

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