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ITU-T SG2 Q.1 regarding permanent delegation of 87810 in e164.arpa

Dear Colleagues,
Please note the following citation from the Progress report of Q.1/2 TD149 (WP1|2),
as approved today by SG2 Plenary in Florianopolis, Brazil:

`D132 (Telekom Austria) requested on behalf of VISIONng permanent ENUM delegation for 878 10 in e164.arpa. The contribution stated that considering the near-term need for commercial implementation VISIONng requests the sub-delegation of the two-digit code 10 of CC 878. After discussion of the request, the Q1 participants agreed to advise the TSB to grant the two-digit sub-delegation to VISIONng on a permanent basis. It is also advised that the TSB notify RIPE-NCC of this change in status. Based on the discussion and agreements reached this contribution is closed.`

best regards

Richard Stastny

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