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Re: ENUM trials in general

Richard Shockey wrote:
> At 02:08 PM 2/6/2003 +0100, Carsten Schiefner wrote:
> >could you help me specifying this a little bit more in detail? Before 
> >answering 'yes' or 'no', we first have to know what an effort this is 
> >likely to be:
> >
> >- on a per-country basis
> the concept is to accelerate activity in the trials by having a limited 
> VOLUNTARY_directory / phone book if you will of ENUM nbational trial 
> participants etc

Yes, it is fully understood that this would be only on an opt-in basis
on any level: per registry or per user - no requirements whatsoever...

> an alternative to pushing data up to RIPE from the national trials would be 
> to have a voluntary trial phone book web page for folks to enter in their 
> name email address and e164.arpa enabled phone number ...

Yes, to be considered as well. May result in too much bogus data, though.



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