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Re: ENUM trials in general

At 02:08 PM 2/6/2003 +0100, Carsten Schiefner wrote:
Richard, Marco -

Richard Shockey wrote:
At 09:24 AM 1/12/2003 +0000, Marco Bernardi wrote:
I think running such a directory  implies some responsibilities. We don't
want any misuse/abuse.  All this must be done in responsible way and by a
responsible organization. It seems to me that  it can be the perfect job
>> for Ripe (Carsten -  sorry for putting  you on the spot...)
I have to agree RIPE would be perfect as the administrator of the root .... but I also think this is very very simple and not too much real work
the only data collected would be
User Name
email address
e164 number
that can periodically generate a text file test participants can use
could you help me specifying this a little bit more in detail? Before answering 'yes' or 'no', we first have to know what an effort this is likely to be:

- on a per-country basis
the concept is to accelerate activity in the trials by having a limited VOLUNTARY_directory / phone book if you will of ENUM nbational trial participants etc

- data as outlined above, CSV format:
  "Carsten Schiefner,carsten@localhost,"
basically yes thats enough ...

- registries provide data via a common interface
yep comma delimited such as you see above is probably enough ..

- RIPE NCC collects data once per day
or whenever ..

- RIPE NCC reformats data to a nice web page, including the derived
  E.164 number
and or downloadable PDF ..maybe

- period 24 months from the start time
and that is it ... RIPE could even reserve the right to terminate at any time etc..

an alternative to pushing data up to RIPE from the national trials would be to have a voluntary trial phone book web page for folks to enter in their name email address and e164.arpa enabled phone number ...



Richard Shockey, Senior Manager, Strategic Technology Initiatives
NeuStar Inc.
46000 Center Oak Plaza  -   Sterling, VA  20166
Voice +1 571.434.5651 Cell : +1 314.503.0640,  Fax: +1 815.333.1237
> or <
> <http://www.neustar.biz> ; <http://www.enum.org> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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