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Request for Delegation of ENUM domain name zone 3.1.e164.arpa

The TSB confirms that the attached request for ENUM delegation of code 31
(not 13 as erroneously stated in the SUBJECT) has been authorized by the
concerned national administration and the delegation may proceed when RIPE
NCC receives formal confirmation from the Director of TSB.

Richard Hill

Richard Hill
Counsellor, SG2
International Telecommunication Union
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 20
tel: +41 22 730 5887
FAX: +41 22 730 5853
Email: richard.hill@localhost
Study Group 2 email: tsbsg2@localhost
Request for Delegation of ENUM domain name zone 3.1.e164.arpa
*	To: "'enum-request@localhost <mail'"
enum-request@localhost <mail> 
*	Subject: Request for Delegation of ENUM domain name zone
*	From: "Verzijl, Ed" <ed.verzijl@localhost
>> * Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 14:01:38 +0200 * cc: "Bouma, Klaas" <klaas.bouma@localhost <
>>, "Haan, Thomas de" <thomas.dhaan@localhost <
>>, "Woerkens, Ed van" <ed.vwoerkens@localhost <
>>, "Verkooijen, H.J.J. \(MD\)" <H.J.J.Verkooijen@localhost <
>> * Reply- <mail * Sender: owner-enum-request@localhost <
> Request for Delegation of ENUM domain name zone 3.1.e164.arpa Dear Sir/Madam, DGTP (Directorate-General Telecommunications and Post) represents the Netherlands in the ITU and is, following recommendation ITU-T E.164, responsible for the telephone country code 31. DGTP would like to request a delegation for the ENUM domain name zone corresponding with the Dutch E.164 country code 31. Its purpose is to enable Dutch market parties, after consultation with the Dutch ENUM taskforce and market parties, to start trialling ENUM in the Netherlands. The Dutch ENUM taskforce involves various Internet and Telecom parties and is chaired by DGTP. I have attached below a completed template which hopefully provides all the information necessary. Please let me know if you need further information Thanks in advance, Ed van Woerkens Head of department Infrastructure Development DGTP Domain Object domain: 1.3.e164.arpa descr: ENUM for the Netherlands admin-c: DGTP-NAMING tech-c: AUTO-1<MDI> zone-c: AUTO-2<MDI> nserver: dns.kpn.com nserver: nserver: ns1.unisource.nl nserver: remarks: notify: thomas.dhaan@localhost notify: mnt-by: VENW-DGTP mnt-lower: VENW-DGTP refer: changed: source: RIPE Administrative Contact person: Thomas de Haan address: Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat address: Willem Witsenplein 6 address: 2596 BK Den Haag address: the Netherlands phone: +31 70 351 6372 fax-no: +31 70 351 1110 e-mail: thomas.dhaan@localhost nic-hdl: DGTP-NAMING remarks: responsible for the E.164 country code notify: thomas.dhaan@localhost mnt-by: VENW-DGTP changed: source: RIPE Technical Contact person: H.J.J. Verkooijen address: Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat address: P.O. Box 5023 address: NL-2600 GA DELFT phone: +31 15 2512512 fax-no: +31 15 2578729 e-mail: h.j.j.verkooijen@localhost nic-hdl: AUTO-1<MDI> remarks: responsible for the technical operations notify: h.j.j.verkooijen@localhost notify: thomas.dhaan@localhost mnt-by: VENW-DGTP changed: source: RIPE Zone Contact person: H.J.J. Verkooijen address: Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat address: P.O. Box 5023 address: NL-2600 GA DELFT phone: +31 15 2512512 fax-no: +31 15 2578729 e-mail: h.j.j.verkooijen@localhost nic-hdl: AUTO-2<MDI> remarks: notify: h.j.j.verkooijen@localhost notify: thomas.dhaan@localhost mnt-by: VENW-DGTP changed: source: RIPE Maintainer Object mntner: VENW-DGTP descr: Ministry of Transport admin-c: DGTP-NAMING tech-c: AUTO-1<MDI> upd-to: thomas.dhaan@localhost upd-to: klaas.bouma@localhost upd-to: mnt-nfy: thomas.dhaan@localhost mnt-nfy: klaas.bouma@localhost mnt-nfy: auth: MAIL-FROM thomas.dhaan@localhost auth: MAIL-FROM klaas.bouma@localhost notify: thomas.dhaan@localhost notify: klaas.bouma@localhost notify: mnt-by: VENW-DGTP referral-by: RIPE-DBM-MNT changed: source: RIPE Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. ************************************************************************

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