[Dnsmon-test] maximum number of UDMs

Robert Kisteleki robert at ripe.net
Thu Mar 6 15:41:28 CET 2014

On 2014.03.06. 14:04, John Bond wrote:
> Hello,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gilles Massen <gilles.massen at restena.lu>
> Organization: Fondation RESTENA
> Date: Thursday 6 March 2014 12:50
> To: "dnsmon-test at ripe.net" <dnsmon-test at ripe.net>
> Subject: [Dnsmon-test] maximum number of UDMs
>> Hello,
>> I constantly run into trouble when trying to define UDM to our
>> nameservers, simply because there are already 10 UDMs running.
> I have also ran into this problem previously

We have a similar discussion in a different thread; I believe we will raise
the per user limits and/or exclude the system's own measurements from this
quota. Stay tuned. In the meantime ...

>> While this is a general Atlas issue, DNSMON measurements obviously
>> contribute significantly to that limit. Considering that the measured
>> servers are supposed to be public DNS servers with at least some
>> muscles, would it be possible to either raise the limit for these
>> servers, or simply ignore the DNSMON measurements in the total count?
> If you ignore measurements could we also ignore the "Map
> VisualisationsĀ²[1] measurement IDĀ¹s

... since we're running these measurements already, you can just use their
results without specifying your own. Granted, the system in general does not
yet offer you the alternatives -- but all of them are listed inside DNSMON.


> Thanks John
> [1]https://atlas.ripe.net/results/maps/