[Dnsmon-test] Feedback: interface

Gerhard Winkler Gerhard.Winkler at univie.ac.at
Thu Feb 13 16:52:19 CET 2014

On 2014-02-13 15:35, Robert Kisteleki wrote:
> Hello,
> Thank you for this feedback. We'll try to answer some, and leave some others
> for discussion...
> See below.
> On 2014.02.13. 14:03, Gilles Massen wrote:
>> Hello,
>> First of all congratulations for the new DNSMON interface. It looks
>> really promising, and whatever I'm saying next should not make you think
>> that I don't like it.
>> I've split my first round of comments into purely interface related and
>> more backend stuff (in a next email) so that follow-up discussions is
>> easier.
>> So, in no particular order:
>> Time selection. This could use some enhancements:
>> - it is hard to see precisely what timeframe is actually displayed. I
>> would really like to have it spelled out, rather than having to decode
>> the legend.
> Indeed, we'll make the precise times textually readable.

just a minor comment on readability:
I would like to have a 24h timescale instead of looking for "AM" and "PM".

best regards

Gerhard Winkler                    |  E-Mail: gerhard.winkler at univie.ac.at
Vienna University Computer Center  |
Universitaetsstrasse 7             |  Tel: +43 1 4277 14035
A-1010 Vienna, Austria             |  Fax: +43 1 4277 9140